AVOLUS, incubating a luxury one stop shop door to door transport company (2007-2012)



From creation to business stability, support & grow a luxury door to door transportation business


AVOLUS is the first luxury transport company to offer ground, air and sea transportation via one-off charters and prepaid cards. Operational 24/7/365, it handles its clients’ trips around the world by cars, helicopters, jets and yachts.


  • Develop the business model & launch the company
  • Build partnerships with land, air & sea companies to ensure model stability


This project was launched to answer the increasing need for a pan-European integrated transportation provider (Precursor of UBER) for B2C High Net Worth Individuals/Corporate businessmen/Senior Executives and B2B international organizations going to events, doing road shows or taking care of its valued clients for a weekend.

The incubation of AVOLUS took place during 2005, leading to impressive results in terms of image, clientele, business development, financing and international growth. AviaMediaTech Ltd’s role as an incubator was not only to create long term strategic and financial plans for AVOLUS but also to structure it’s financing (Equity and Debt), recruit experienced staff and management Board to sustain further growth.

In the first phase, AVOLUS had three priorities:

  • Finalize partnership agreement with national limousine operators and famous air transport companies, covering all the core European luxury transport markets (UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Benelux, Spain, Russia and Germany)
  • Begin expanding its services to other countries for its clients, primarily in the United States and United Arab Emirates.
  • Develop the business by executing the marketing plan, developing the service Operational back office centre and signing up the first customers.

Alongside the main priorities, benefits such as concierge service and access to restaurants and VIP clubs around Europe were to be developed as complementary services to the core business model.

The ambition behind Avolus was to become one of world’s most recognized companies in luxury transportation for both high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) and corporate clients. AVOLUS’ business model provides services through prepaid cards at a moment’s notice. These cards have the ability to charter aircraft, chauffer-driven cars and yachts without having to wait for the funds to clear. By acting as a broker between a client and a limousine, jet, helicopter or yacht provider, AVOLUS is able to source the best price and options on behalf of the client.

In the second phase, further partnership with land, air and sea companies were identified and invited to join the network, in order to provide a complete pan-European and potentially global service.


These activities resulted in turnover that was 75% over initial goal during its first full year of activity. The company had a wide database of loyal clients and business development deals with prestigious brands including Baglioni Hotels, American Express and Ferrari. Within a year of activity, plans to launch 2 offices outside the UK were drafted. The AVOLUS brand became an international luxury brand on its own, within two years after the start of the incubation process.



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