AVOLUS Ltd and AVOLUS Group– Fundraising to grow a business (June 2004)



Fundraising for the growth of the AVOLUS Group.


AVOLUS was one-stop shop luxury transportation door-to-door business


  • Raise £250K of Friends and Family money
  • Raise £250K of Private Equity money
  • Raise £2M and a €25M investment plan from a family office to expand massively internationally and vertically (purchase of EUROJET and management of BANASEA airport)


AviaMediaTech was contracted at first to raise only the early stage money of AVOLUS (round A of £250K of Friends and Family money).

Fundraising activities for AVOLUS were carried out by AviaMediaTech Ltd during June-October 2004. After completion, the company launch was set for January 2005.

In the first phase, the focus was on finalizing the partnership agreements with well-known transport companies covering the core European luxury transport markets and beginning to expand its services to other core countries for its clients.  In the second phase, further partners were identified to expand company services to provide a complete pan-European service.

Further fundraising activities were carried out with intentions to raise sufficient funds to expand internationally to Moscow and Dubai and acquire clients faster in Europe while moving into the US, Middle East, and Asia markets. Expansion plans also included acquiring charter broker companies to further strengthen the AVOLUS brand and to better position the company in the aviation marketplace.


The fundraising of the venture was a success and further down the line, other fundraising activities and finally, the sale of the company was completed successfully by AviaMediaTech.



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